Extraordinary General Meeting 2014

31.03.2015Convocation incl. Agenda [PDF, 56 KB]
31.03.2015Motions for resolutions concerning agenda items 2-10  [PDF, 112 KB]
31.03.2015Proposal for the appropriation of net profit [PDF, 77 KB]
31.03.2015Report of the Supervisory Board for the 2014 fiscal year [PDF, 92 KB]
31.03.2015Statement in acc. with Section 87 para 2 AktG – Richard Gregson [PDF, 657KB]
31.03.2015CV Richard Gregson  [PDF, 27 KB]
31.03.2015Transparency statements in acc. with Section 270 para 1a UGB [only in German] [PDF, 571 KB]
31.03.2015Comparision of the articles of association [PDF, 27 KB]
31.03.2015Annual Report 2014 (Consolidated Financial Statements incl. Group Management Report) [PDF, 11.293KB]
31.03.2015Annual Financial Statements of CA Immobilien Anlagen AG 2014 [PDF, 736 KB]
31.03.2015Corporate Governance Report 2014 [PDF, 3.695 KB]
31.03.2015Information on Shareholders‘ Rights [PDF, 73 KB]
31.03.2015Information on Dividend [PDF, 207 KB]
31.03.2015Proxy form – General PoA  [PDF, 101 KB]
31.03.2015Revocation form for General PoAs [PDF, 90 KB]
31.03.2015Proxy form – IVA PoA (Austrian Shareholder’ Association) [PDF, 147 KB]
31.03.2015Revocation form for IVA PoAs (Austrian Shareholder’ Association) [PDF, 140 KB]
09.04.2015Supplementary request O1 Group Limited in acc. with Section 109 AktG [only in German] [PDF, 156 KB]
09.04.2015Election or resolution proposals of O1 Group Limited concerning the new agenda items 9 and 12 [only in German] [PDF, 391 KB]
09.04.2015Addition to the agenda (announcement) [PDF, 146 KB]
09.04.2015Full agenda considering the new items [PDF, 84 KB]
09.04.2015Statement in acc. with Section 87 para 2 AktG – John Nacos [PDF, 61 KB]
09.04.2015CV John Nacos [PDF, 36 KB]
09.04.2015Statement in acc. with Section 87 para 2 AktG – Barbara A. Knoflach [PDF, 30 KB]
09.04.2015CV Barbara A. Knoflach [PDF, 54 KB]
09.04.2015Statement in acc. with Section 87 para 2 AktG – Mag. Franz Zwickl [PDF, 282 KB]
09.04.2015CV Mag. Franz Zwickl [PDF, 86 KB]
09.04.2015Statement in acc. with Section 87 para 2 AktG – Dmitry Mints [PDF, 181 KB]
09.04.2015CV Dmitry Mints [PDF, 98 KB]
09.04.2015Statement in acc. with Section 87 para 2 AktG – Michael Stanton [PDF, 62 KB]
09.04.2015CV Michael Stanton [PDF, 31 KB]
29.04.2015Voting result 2015 [PDF, 243 KB]
29.04.2015Dividend Announcement [PDF, 40 KB]