The CA Immo Management
The Management and Supervisory Board are the executive Bodies of CA Immo; they are responsible for management and control of the corporate agenda. The responsibilities of Management and Supervisory Boards and cooperation between Board members are defined by the Articles of Association and rules of procedure passed by the Supervisory Board.
The entire Management Board is responsible for realising the objectives of company policy. The full Supervisory Board rules on matters of critical importance as well as general strategy.
The Management Board of CA Immo is appointed by the Supervisory Board. The maximum term permitted by law under Austrian Stock Corporation Act (AktG) is 5 years, with reappointment being permissible.
The members of the Supervisory Board of CA Immo are elected by the Annual General Meeting. Under Austrian Stock Corporation Act (AktG), the term of office ends at the latest at the end of the Annual General Meeting that resolves on the discharge of the Supervisory Board for the fourth business year after the election at the latest. The business year in which the Supervisory Board member was elected shall not be counted for this purpose. Re-elections are permissible. In addition, the four registered shares in existence since the establishment of the Company grant the right to nominate up to four members of the Supervisory Board. The right of the works council to delegate supervisory board members is based on Sec. 110 Labor Constitution Act (ArbVG), whereby one employee representative may be delegated for every two supervisory board members to be appointed in accordance with the Stock Corporation Act (AktG) or the Articles of Association.
Keegan Viscius (CEO)

born 04.08.1981
Keegan Viscius joined the Management Board as Chief Investment Officer on 1 November 2018 and was appointed Chief Executive Officer with effect from 10 June 2023. He is responsible for Investment Management, Asset Management, Development, Corporate Communications & Sustainability, Market Research & Data Analysis as well as IT.
Corporate Strategy, Risk Management, Internal Audit and Human Resources are the joint responsibility of Keegan Viscius and Andreas Schillhofer.
Term of office ends: 30.6.2028
Andreas Schillhofer (CFO)

born 06.08.1971
Andreas Schillhofer was appointed to the Management Board of CA Immo as Chief Financial Office on 1 June 2019 and is responsible for Accounting & Taxes, Controlling, Financing, Property Valuation, Capital Markets & Investor Relations, Corporate Office (incl. Compliance and Organization) and Legal.
Corporate Strategy, Risk Management, Internal Audit and Human Resources are the joint responsibility of Keegan Viscius and Andreas Schillhofer.
Term of office ends: 30.6.2028