CA Immo Installs Roof for Frankfurt Bus Terminal
Frankfurt, 13 March 2023 – The work on the construction of a roof at the Frankfurt bus terminal has now begun. The roof work is expected to be completed by the end of May/beginning of June 2023.
The long-distance bus terminal built by CA Immo has been leased to an operator on a long-term basis. The future roof, which is architecturally extremely appealing, was planned by the Frankfurt architects Schneider + Schumacher and covers an area of a good 1,000 m². It consists mainly of a sustainable timber construction. The roof surface itself is greened and thus contributes to improving the local microclimate. Only the substructure and the supports of the roof have to be made of steel or concrete for fire protection reasons. The roof covers 10 of the 14 bus stops, so that passengers can board the buses protected from the rain. With the construction of the roof, CA Immo has reached the final stage of the Frankfurt bus terminal.
For enquiries, please contact:
Markus Diekow
Head of Corporate Communications CA Immo Germany
Telephone: +49 (0) 69-606 27-115 or +49 (0) 172-6795948 |
About CA Immo
CA Immo is an investor, manager, and developer specialised in large, modern office properties across the gateway cities in Germany, Austria, and Central Europe. The company covers the entire value chain in the field of commercial real estate including a high degree of in-house con-struction expertise. Founded in 1987, CA Immo is listed on the ATX index of the Vienna Stock Exchange and holds property assets worth around € 6.5 billion (per 30.09.2022) in Germany, Austria, and CEE.