CA Immo AG intends issuance of a corporate bond
Vienna, 1.2.2016. Based on the authorisation of the Supervisory Board and subject to the approval of the prospectus by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier in Luxembourg („CSSF“), stock-listed CA Immobilien Anlagen AG (Bloomberg: CAI:AV, Reuters: CAIV.VI; ISIN: AT0000641352) intends to issue a fixed interest corporate bond with an expected volume of EUR 150 m (demand-induced increase possible) and a maturity of seven years. UniCredit Bank Austria AG and Raiffeisen Bank International AG were mandated as Joint-Lead Manager.
Further information on the corporate bond are expected to be published on 10 February 2016 on CA Immobilien Anlagen AG’s website at after the conditions (coupon) and the issue volume were fixed in a book building procedure before the beginning of the subscription period.
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